InfraGard is a unique partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and individuals in the private sector for the
protection of U.S. critical infrastructure and the American people. As one of the nation’s largest public/private partnerships,
InfraGard connects critical infrastructure owners, operators, and stakeholders with the FBI to provide education, networking, and
information-sharing on security threats and risks.
InfraGard’s membership includes: corporate security managers, directors and C-suite executives, cybersecurity and IT professionals,
chief information security officers, financial services executives, healthcare professionals, emergency managers, military and
government officials, academia, state and local law enforcement, and more — all dedicated to contributing industry-specific insight
to advance national security. Today, there are members in local InfraGard Member Alliances (IMAs), represented nationally by the
InfraGard National Members Alliance (INMA). Each IMA is affiliated with the FBI Field Office in its region.
The mission of the InfraGard program is to enhance our nation’s collective ability to address and mitigate threats to United States critical infrastructure by fostering collaboration,
education, and information-sharing through a robust private sector/government partnership. To accomplish this mission, InfraGard promotes ongoing dialogue and timely communication between its members and the FBI through local, regional, and national programs. This two-way exchange of information equips InfraGard members with the knowledge, information, and resources to protect their respective organizations, while the FBI benefits from private sector engagement, insight, and expertise that can help prevent terrorism, cybercrime, espionage, and more.